Dialog Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris "Cindelaras" 5-6 orang

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Once upon a time, there was a big kingdom in East Java. The kingdom is Jenggala Kingdom. The king from Jenggala Kingdom named Raden Putra. Raden Putra is reach and powerful. The king was very like cockfighting. He has one Queen and some concubine. Unfortunately, one of the concubine was envy to the Queen. She has a plan to drop the Queen. The concubine cooperate with royal physician to pretend she was sick and said to the king that disease was came from the poison by the Queen.

Scene 1
Physician: “What happened, Princess?”
Concubine: “Royal physician, I want to be an Queen! I’m tired of being a concubine. I'll get rid of the Queen. Can you help me?”
Physician: “What can I do for you, Princess?”
Concubine: "I'll pretend like I was sick. You should tell the king that my disease is caused by the Queen who tried to poison me. Can you fulfill my wish, Physician?"
Physician: "Please forgive me, The Princess. I can not betray the royal family."
Concubine: "So, you can’t do it?"
Physician: "Please forgive me, The Princees."
Concubine: "How if your family exiled from this city?"
Physician: "Pardon me, Princess?"
Concubine: "If you can’t do that, I will exiled your family from this city."
Physician: "Please forgive me, The Princess."
Concubine: "Obey my commands quickly!"
Physician: “I understand, Princess.”
Finally, royal physician obey the concubine's command forcefully. Concubine tell to the king that she was sick. The king summoned physician to examine the concubine.

Scene 2
King: “What did she suffer, Physician?”
Physician: "Please permit, Your Majesty. The disease that suffered the concubine was came from poison. And, that poison seems came from food last night. What do you eat, Princess?"
Concubine: "Your Majesty, last night I ate food from the Queen."
King: "Is it true? I don't believe it."
Concubine: (moaning in pain) "I've told the truth, Your Majesty."
Physician: "It is true, Your Majesty. It means the Queen tried to poison the Princess."
King: (angry) "The Queen is really outrageous!"
Concubine: "Please forgive her, Your Majesty. Fortunately, I'm not dead. Please forgive her, Your Majesty." (Looking down for forgiveness)
King: "She's been trying to kill you! I will not forgive her! Where's the Queen? Guards, please bring the Queen to me!"
Guards: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Raden Putra seen very angry and disappointed with the Queen. The guards immediately headed to the Queen' place to carry out king's command

Scene 3
Guards: "Please permit, The Queen. We were commanded to bring the Queen to the king."
Queen: "What happened, Guards?"
Guards: "It is the king's command, Queen."
Queen: "Alright, I will be there."
Guards: "I will deliver you, Queen."

Guards bring the Queen to Raden Putra.

Scene 4
Queen: (looks confused) "What happened, Your Majesty?"
King: "You are really outrageous! Why are you trying to kill the concubine?!" (Angry)
Queen: "I don't understand what you mean, Your Majesty. Did I make a mistake, Your Majesty?"
King: "You put poison in the concubine's food, right?"
Queen: "It is not true, Your Majesty. I've never give that food to concubine."
King: "I don't believe in you anymore!"
Queen: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty."
King: "Guards, bring her to the forest and kill her!"
Queen: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I'm begging. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Royal guards bring the Queen to the forest. But, he didn't kill her, because the Queen was pregnant. The guards believe the Queen impossible to do that. He kills rabbit instead. Rabbit’s blood rubbed to the Queen' shawl. So, it's looks like he has done kill her. The guards build little hut in the middle of the forest, so the Queen can live there.

Scene 5
Guards: "Please forgive me, The Queen."
Queen: "It's okay, Guards. It is king's command. You should obey it."
Guards: "But, Queen. I believe in you. You are too impossible to do that."
Queen: "Yes, Guards. I didn't do that. I've been slandered."
Guards: "I will not to kill you. As a replacement, I'll kill the rabbit and rub its blood to your shawl. I'll give it to the king, so he will believe I've kill you, Queen."
Queen: "Thank you, Guards. You are so kind."
Guards: "I built the little hut for you, Queen. So, you can live there and give a birth, The Queen."
Queen: "I'm really thank to you. I never forget you kindness."
Guards: "Please permit, The Queen. I must go back to the kingdom and report it to the king."

The Guards back to the kingdom. He reported to the king that he had killed the Queen. The concubine looks so happy. Because she will replace the Queen position.
Scene 6
Guards: “Please permit, Your Majesty. I have obey your command. This is the Queen’ shawl.” (give the Queen’ shawl)

A months later, the Queen give a birth. The name is Cindelaras. 16 years passed, Cindelaras grew up as a good girl. She’s good friends with animal in the forest. One afternoon, Cindelaras is playing around the tree and suddenly an eagle drops bring an egg. Cindelaras took care an egg until its hatch. Evidently, an egg hatch into a cock. How shocked Cindelaras to know the cock can talk.

Scene 7
Cock: My lord is Cindelaras, her house is in the middle of the forest, and her father was a king, his name is Raden Putra.”
Cindelaras: “What do you say, Cock?”
Cock: My lord is Cindelaras, her house is in the middle of the forest, and her father was a king, his name is Raden Putra.”
Cindelaras: “Mom!” (call her mom)
Queen: “Yes, I’m here.”
Cindelaras: “Please come here, Mom!”
Queen: “What’s wrong?”
Cindelaras: “This cock talk like that to me!”
Cock: My lord is Cindelaras, her house is in the middle of the forest, and her father was a king, his name is Raden Putra.”
Cindelaras: “What does it means?”
Queen: ”What he said is true, Cindelaras. Your mom is the royal Queen. Your father was a king.”
Cindelaras: ”Are you serious, Mom?”
Queen: ”Yes, Cindelaras. Sixteen years ago, I was expelled from the kingdom because slander.”
Cindelaras: ”How can?”
Queen: ”I was accused gave poison to the king’s concubine.”
Cindelaras: ”How can father do that to you?!”
Queen: ”I’m not sure. But, I doesn’t death and give birth you is s gift from The God.”
Cindelaras: ”I promise, we will come back  to the kingdom. I promise, Mom.”

The cock that hatch from the egg grow quickly. Cindelaras known as a girl who has strong cock. Cindelaras’ cock always winning cockfighting. News about how great Cindelaras’ cock spread troughout the country. The news reached the king. Raden Putra curious with Cindelaras and how great her cock. King sent a guard to summon Cindelaras.

Scene 8
Guards: “Cindelaras, I am here by king’s order to call you.”
Cindelaras: “What is it, Guards?”
Guards: “Raden Putra want to cockfighting with you.”
Cindelaras: “All right, I’m getting ready first.”

Cindelaras and her cock go to the kingdom, where her father was. In the way, she was thinking how to her mother can back to the kingdom.

Scene 9
King: “Are you Cindelaras?”
Cindelaras: “Yes, Your Majesty.”
King: “I hear that you have a strong cock.”
Cindelaras: “It’s true, Your Majesty.”
King: “I want to cockfighting with you.”
Cindelaras: “I do, Your Majesty. But, I have some desire.”
King: “What is it?”
Cindelaras: “If I won the cockfighting, half of Jenggala Kingdom will be mine.”
King: “And if you lose?”
Cindelaras: “I’m willing to be punished.”
King: “Okay.”

After approval is made, the cockfighting take place. A fierce battle ensued. Both of cock are just as strong. Many people suspect the king’s cock will win. But, not a few who suspect Cindelaras’ cock will win. And finally, Cindelaras won the cockfighting.

Scene 10
King: “Congratulations, your cock is no joke.”
Cindelaras: “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
King: “I’ll keep my promise. Now, half of Jenggala Kingdom are be yours.”
Cock: My lord is Cindelaras, her house is in the middle of the forest, and her father was a king, his name is Raden Putra.”
King: “What does it means?”
Cindelaras: “What the cock said is true, Your Majesty. My mother is the Queen of this kingdom who expelled 16 years ago.”
King: “What do you say?!”
Cindelaras: “She was slandered. My mother never poison your concubine.”
(Guards who drove the Queen to forest forward to the king.)
Guards: “Please forgive me, Your Majesty. What Cindelaras said is true. When I drove the Queen to the forest, I’m not kill her because I know she was pregnant. Blood in the Queen’ shawl is rabbit’s blood.”
Cindelaras: “My mother never poison your concubine, Your Majesty.”
King: “Please call the royal physician now!”
(Royal physician come and ask forgiveness to the king.)
Physician: “Please forgive me, Your Majesty. It is true. The Queen never poison the concubine. I was told to said that. I did it because the concubine threatened to exiled my family. Please forgive me, Your Majesty.”
King: “So, the concubine lied to me?!”
Physician: “Yes, Your Majesty.”
King: “Bring the concubine now!”
(Concubine come and she’s  shocked.)
Concubine: “Please forgive me, Your Majesty! I did it because I was envy with her position, I want to be the Queen. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!” (ask forgiveness)
King: “I’ll never forgive you! Guards, please kick her out!”
Concubine: “Please forgive me, Your Majesty! I will never do that again. Please forgive me!” (crying)

Concubine kicked from the kingdom for what she did. The Queen come to the kingdom and the king ask forgiveness to her.

Scene 11
King: “My wife, please forgive me because I didn’t trust you.”
Queen: “It is okay, Your Majesty. Your guards do the right thing for not kill me.”
King: “Will you live with me again here?”
Queen: “Of course, Your Majesty. Now we will to be a happy family with Cindelaras.”
King: “Yes! I’ll make sure it happens. Thank you, My Wife. Thank you, Cindelaras.” (embracing)

The Queen now getting her position back as an Queen. Cindelaras is very happy because now she has complete family with her mom and dad.

© ditulis oleh Aquinsha

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